mindm.mindmanager module¶
Platform-independent interface for MindManager operations.
This module provides a unified interface for working with MindManager across different platforms (Windows and MacOS) by delegating to the appropriate platform-specific implementation.
- class mindm.mindmanager.Mindmanager(charttype='auto')¶
- __init__(charttype='auto')¶
Initialize a Mindmanager instance and delegate to the platform-specific implementation.
- Parameters:
charttype (any) – The type of chart to initialize with.
- add_document(max_topic_level: int) None ¶
Add a new mind map document with a specified maximum topic level.
- Parameters:
max_topic_level (int) – The maximum depth of topics in the document.
- Returns:
- add_relationship(guid1: any, guid2: any, label: str = '') None ¶
Add a relationship between two topics.
- Parameters:
guid1 (any) – The GUID of the first topic.
guid2 (any) – The GUID of the second topic.
label (str, optional) – Optional label for the relationship. Defaults to ‘’.
- Returns:
- add_subtopic_to_topic(topic: any, topic_text: str) any ¶
Add a subtopic with the provided text to an existing topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The parent topic.
topic_text (str) – The text for the new subtopic.
- Returns:
The newly created subtopic.
- Return type:
- add_tag_to_topic(topic: any, tag_text: str, topic_guid: str) None ¶
Add a tag to the specified topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to update.
tag_text (str) – The tag text to add.
- Returns:
- add_topic_link(guid1: any, guid2: any, label: str = '') None ¶
Create a link between two topics.
- Parameters:
guid1 (any) – The GUID of the source topic.
guid2 (any) – The GUID of the target topic.
label (str, optional) – Optional label for the link. Defaults to ‘’.
- Returns:
- create_map_icons(map_icons: any) None ¶
Create map icons based on the provided mapping.
- Parameters:
map_icons (any) – The icons mapping.
- Returns:
- create_tags(tags: list[str], DUPLICATED_TAG: str) None ¶
Create tags for the mind map.
- Parameters:
tags (list[str]) – A list of tag names to create.
DUPLICATED_TAG (str) – The tag used in case of duplication.
- Returns:
- document_exists() bool ¶
Check if a document exists in the current context.
- Returns:
True if the document exists, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- finalize(max_topic_level: int) None ¶
Finalize and process the mind map document.
- Parameters:
max_topic_level (int) – The maximum depth of topics processed.
- Returns:
- get_active_document_object() any ¶
Retrieve the active document object.
- Returns:
The active document object.
- Return type:
- get_central_topic() any ¶
Retrieve the central topic of the mind map.
- Returns:
The central topic.
- Return type:
- get_guid_from_topic(topic: any) str ¶
Retrieve the GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) of the topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to extract the GUID from.
- Returns:
The GUID of the topic.
- Return type:
- get_icons_from_topic(topic: any) list ¶
Retrieve all icons associated with the topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to extract icons from.
- Returns:
A list of icons.
- Return type:
- get_image_from_topic(topic: any) any ¶
Retrieve the image associated with the topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to extract the image from.
- Returns:
The image object or path.
- Return type:
- get_level_from_topic(topic: any) any ¶
Get the level of the given topic within the mind map hierarchy.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to evaluate.
- Returns:
The level of the topic.
- Return type:
- get_library_folder() str ¶
Retrieve the library folder path for the MindManager application.
- Returns:
The library folder path.
- Return type:
- get_links_from_topic(topic: any) list ¶
Retrieve all links associated with the specified topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to extract links from.
- Returns:
A list of links.
- Return type:
- get_mindmanager_object() any ¶
Retrieve the MindManager application object.
- Returns:
The MindManager application object.
- Return type:
- get_notes_from_topic(topic: any) any ¶
Retrieve the notes for the specified topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to extract notes from.
- Returns:
The notes of the topic.
- Return type:
- get_parent_from_topic(topic: any) any ¶
Retrieve the parent topic of the given topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to find the parent for.
- Returns:
The parent topic.
- Return type:
- get_references_from_topic(topic: any) list ¶
Retrieve all references associated with the topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to extract references from.
- Returns:
A list of references.
- Return type:
- get_selection() list ¶
Get the currently selected topics.
- Returns:
A list of selected topics.
- Return type:
- get_subtopics_from_topic(topic: any) list ¶
Retrieve all subtopics for the specified topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The parent topic.
- Returns:
A list of subtopics.
- Return type:
- get_tags_from_topic(topic: any) list ¶
Retrieve all tags attached to the topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to extract tags from.
- Returns:
A list of tags.
- Return type:
- get_text_from_topic(topic: any) str ¶
Retrieve the text content of a topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to extract text from.
- Returns:
The text content of the topic.
- Return type:
- get_title_from_topic(topic: any) str ¶
Retrieve the title of a topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to extract the title from.
- Returns:
The title of the topic.
- Return type:
- get_topic_by_id(id: any) any ¶
Retrieve a topic by its identifier.
- Parameters:
id (any) – The identifier of the topic.
- Returns:
The topic corresponding to the given id.
- Return type:
- get_version() str ¶
Retrieve the version of the MindManager application.
- Returns:
The version of the application.
- Return type:
- merge_windows() None ¶
Merge multiple windows into a single window.
- Returns:
- set_document_background_image(path: str) None ¶
Set the background image for the document.
- Parameters:
path (str) – The path to the background image.
- Returns:
- set_text_to_topic(topic: any, topic_text: str) None ¶
Set the text content for the specified topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to update.
topic_text (str) – The new text content.
- Returns:
- set_title_to_topic(topic: any, topic_rtf: str) None ¶
Set the title (as RTF) for the specified topic.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The topic to update.
topic_rtf (str) – The new title in RTF format.
- Returns:
- set_topic_from_mindmap_topic(topic: any, mindmap_topic: any, map_icons: any) any ¶
Update or create a topic based on the provided mindmap topic and icons.
- Parameters:
topic (any) – The current topic to update.
mindmap_topic (any) – The reference mindmap topic data.
map_icons (any) – Icons mapping for the topic.
- Returns:
The updated topic.
- Return type: